Date: June 3, 2020
AO: The Jimmy
Pre-Party Activities:
Rucking: OT, Waterboy, Wilson, Lump
Running: Hack Face, House Arrest
Pax: Hackface, Shoota, OT, Licker, Wilson, Delorean, Flava, Maytag, Macaroni, Harbaugh, Jorts, Shocker, Import, Tuna, Lump, Clickbait, Waterboy, Licker, Billie Jean King, Paper Trail (F3 Memphis), Hoser, House Arrest (QIC)
Disclaimer to the PAX: Today is Global Running Day, Get Ready!
3 Good Mornings
SSH (15) 2 sets
IW (15)
Double Shot of Jack (10)
Dirty Hook Ups (10)
Mosey to the football field because really, that’s why we all showed up today.
The Thang
Circuit Running-4 Rounds
Round 1: 20 merkins-run to opposite sideline-20 squats-run to opposite sideline-20 LBC’s-run to opposite sideline 20 american hammers
alternating shoulder taps until all are in
Round 2: 40 merkins-run to opposite sideline-40 squats-run to opposite sideline-40 LBC’s-run to opposite sideline 40 american hammers
Delorean, are you walking between sets?
alternating shoulder taps until all are in
Round 3: 60 merkins-run to opposite sideline-60 squats-run to opposite sideline-60 LBC’s-run to opposite sideline 60 american hammers
alternating shoulder taps until all are in
Yep, you guessed it, we’re gonna do 80…….
Round 4: 80 merkins-run to opposite sideline-80 squats-run to opposite sideline-80 LBC’s-run to opposite sideline 80 american hammers
alternating shoulder taps until all are in
Ok, now that everyone’s shoes are wet, let’s s mosey to the parking lot…..
11’s with burpees and BBSU
QIC-let’s push everyone, only 5 minutes left…..
The PAX all finish. Time’s almost out so let’s Indian Run back for the COT.
Congrats to Licker for accepting the role as the site Q for The Jimmy. Way to lead!
As always men, leading a workout always makes me better. I sincerely appreciate the opportunities F3 provides me to lead and grow. I’m impressed with the way each of you work hard, even when we run more than normal. Thanks for tolerating my run heavy Q’s
House Arrest