Awesome work this morning, fellas. Thanks for letting me lead. My M loves my shirt, evening if you don’t. That’s a lie, she also thinks I am ridiculous.
Thanks to @Vespa (Bryan Finlason) for bringing coffee. Gotta say, that felt like a pre-pandemic coffeeteria. You guys are awesome. Great to see @Kenny G out again. Way to push brother!
PAX: @Cornholio@Wilson@House Arrest@Vespa (Bryan Finlason)@HOSER @tapatio @Noodle@Tuna@OT (Oregon Trail)@Kenny G@Noble Virus - Mark@Whoopi@DeLorean@Shoota@The HackFace@Jorts (Pre only) @Swingline / Jason Aeverman (pre only) @Clickbait
50 – SSH
Good mornings
Runners stretch
Mosey on the trail for a bit to the open field
Partner up – bear-crawl relay each wayContinue running along the trail.
Pause running for some merkins. 50 as a group.
Continue running to the playground area.
Half the group does diips, durkins, erkins – sets of 20 (on repeat), while the other group does 50 pull-ups each. Then switch.
Mosey to find a ledge. Plank circles to the RIGHT (many sets of 3 merkins), then to the left.
Mosey to the open field. BLIMPS, starting with 5 reps, increasing by 5 for each exercise.
Line up. Sprint to the end of the field. 10 count recover. Sprint back.
Mosey to the entrance hill.
11s, squats and merkins. Mode of transportation – bear-crawls and politician
Mosey to the COT.
50 4-count flutter kicks
50 J-los
Alphabet soup to “L”
30 Pam Andersons
Freddie Merks
I think there was one more ab exercise in there but can’t remember.
20 LBC