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Keeping 'em guessing!


Date: 1/31/2020

AO: Firepit

Pax: Shoota, TopSpin, Gig'em, Tuna, Wilson, DeLorean, Noble Virus, Macaroni, Lump, OT, Geek, Speed Trap (Chattanooga), Clickbait, Import, Licker, Pre-K, Waterboy (pre-party), Bartman (QiC)

'Twas a chilly and somewhat dreary morning. Don't know about y'all, but YHC is done with this weather. Spring needs to go ahead and get its ass here. 17 Pax assembled to end January with a bang. Apparently, YHC can be somewhat predictable with the workouts and there was some playful side betting on what YHC would have the pax do. Admittedly, YHC isn't wildly creative and prefers the tried and true...but, just to prove a point...the tried and true was abandoned and the pax were the unlucky recipients of this newfound 'creativity'.

Before the downpainment is described, YHC feels compelled to give a TClap...our boy Waterboy, because of his new coaching role at Ensworth, cant stick around for the main thang. Now most 'men', or shall we call them simply 'mascots', would throw the towel in and not post anymore. But this true HIM, despite the new circumstances, still comes for the pre-parties, and kills it. That is dedication. That is commendable....that is absolutely accelerating.

And before anyone gets butthurt because there wasn't mention of any other pre-partiers getting all are worthy of TClaps as well, no doubt. The difference here with Waterboy is that he hasn't allowed his circumstances to dictate his acceleration. With that said, TClaps to you guys who are consistently pre-partying with rucks, runs, beatdowns, everything. Those not participating in pre-parties...that's OK...there has to be a 'want to'. Come out once...the 'want to' reason will be evident. YHC missed the pre-party this AM because of being late (showed up at 0505), and had to run a lonely 3.1 miles. That 3.1 would be so much better with other pax. The fellowship is what brings YHC back and back and back. There's the reason for the 'want to'.

At any rate...back to the work out...

Warm-o-rama consisting of SSH 20x IC, Slow ass merkins 10x IC, 10x Mountain Climbers IC, 5 Good Mornings OYO, Imperial Walkers 10x IC...and we're off...

Partial 'fun run'...start long loop out Eliot around the school...drop for 20 merkins....then run, drop for 19 merkins, then run again and drop for 18 merkins...pax did this till we circled up in the bus lot and did 15 merkins.

Pax then instructed to form a plank line (high or low) for a bear crawl indian 'run' across the parking lot. 1 pax bear crawls the line to the other end while other pax plank, then another pax goes, etc. MC was epic during this time...pax complained of planking too YHC flipped it to Flutter Kicks during the second round, which didn't make any friends.

Time to mosey to the play ground for 3 rounds of 20 swerkins, 20 derkins, and 10 pull-ups.

Circle up on the basketball court for CONTRA Burpees...up and down...

1 burpee w/1 merkin, 1 burpee w/2 merkins, 1 burpee w/3 merkins...up to 10 merkins - AND - then back down to 1. Some really half-hearted burpees were done...the jump ups at the end were lacking...thank God there were no claps at the top...would extradite you to Louisville.

Mosey back to launch point for 4 corners BLIMPS....

1. Corner 1 - 5 Burpees, 10 Lunges, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 squats, then sprint to the next corner.

2. Corner 2 - same BLIMPS, bear crawl to the next

3. Corner 3 - same BLIMPS, sprint to the next

4. Corner 4 - same BLIMPS, bear crawl back to 1st corner.

No time for Mary! We did enough planking and flutter kicks to cover that.

Count-o-rama, name-o-rama, BOM...we out!


1. Strong work today guys...and epic mumblechatter as always. So much so YHC wouldn't dare to type in this BB.

2. Great to have SpeedTrap with us from Chattanooga! Hopefully we sent him back with some ideas.

3. Sorry to let you guys down...the 'bettors' that is...only 1 on your list was done...the bearcrawling. #9 may or may not have happened...only Delorean knows.

4. Franktown Open Hearts Charity Father/Son Bowl....Sunday 130pm to 3ishpm. Need dudes to come and play on the teams. If you can come, text/slack message Foosball. WEAR YOUR F3 GEAR ALSO!

5. Said this before, and will say it again...I quit coming for the fitness guys...the fitness to me is a benefit of the accountability and fellowship. Y'all push me harder every day. Grateful for you.


El Barto

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