Date: 6/1/2020
AO: Virtual AO
Pax: Tiny Dancer, Macaroni, Swingline, Bartman (QiC)
YHC got on the old interwebs this AM in hopes of a tiny following. And low and behold...the Dentist was dialing in from Santa Rosa beach...literally on the beach. Macaroni and Swingline then joined in as well...scenery not as nice as TD’s though. Little
chit chat...time to roll.
Warm-o-Rama consisting of SSH, Good mornings, Strawberry pickers and BACs.
the THANG!
25 burpee buy-in....crowd pleaser...
Round 1
5 minutes total, 1 minute each of SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Jump Squats
20 SSH, 20 KB swings w/coupon
Jack Webbs w/coupon...up up to 5 merkins, 10 presses
10 burpees
Round 2
5 minutes total, 1 minute each of SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Jump Squats
20 SSH, 20 KB swings w/coupon
1 minute overhead coupon Hold into 1 minute AMRAP overhead presses
10 burpees
Round 3
5 minutes total, 1 minute each of SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Jump Squats
20 SSH, 20 KB swings w/coupon
25 Arnold presses and 50 American Hammers both with coupon
10 burpees
Round 4
5 minutes total, 1 minute each of SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Jump Squats
20 SSH, 20 KB swings w/coupon
1 minute bent row hold into AMRAP 1 minute bent rows with coupon
25 Burpee buy-out
name-o-Rama, BOM...we out!
1. Strong work this AM gents. Kept the heart rate up and kicked ass!
2. So extremely grateful for F3...this has changed my life in more ways than y’all can imagine. I appreciate the daily encouragement and accountability. 3. prayers for Mac as he continues interviewing with this company. Pray for God to be glorified and His wisdom imparted on Mac.
4. Prayers for healing over TD’s friend Kate who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Pray for healing and ultimately God’s Will be done, and that He glorified through it all.
Keep after it gents! I’ll see you back in the gloom...soon.
El Barto