Wednesday, August 28, 2019
AO: The Jimmy
QiC: Shoota
PAX: Braddock, Lump, Waterboy, Pollo, 1-Star, Snoop, Wilson, Oregon Trail, Maytag, Stirrups, Bartman, Delorean, Macaroni, The HackFace, Pre-K, Poodle, Dr. Claw, Dukey, Gig'em, House Arrest, & Nickelback.
Pre-Party - I rolled in this morning at 5:25ish, late for my typical pre-pre party activities. I blame last night's fantasy football draft. Delorean ate too many cookies and felt my pain. It got real last night, people were just pulling off Draft Day miracles, Kevin Costner style. We had defenses going early, kickers being roster MVPs and teams being built around defensive powerhouses...sometimes multiple defenses! Just madness!
Disclaimer provided - push yourself, but don't hurt yourself!
Warm-o-rama - SSH in cadence to 30, Slow merkins in cadence to 10. BACs to 10...hold...Back BACs to 10. Get your good mornings...that's right, no number given. Too many times Q's make promises they don't intend to keep..."get 10" they say...but I only get to 5. I don't want to give empty promises. I don't want to smash dreams. I'm here to lift our brothers up, not smash their hopes before we even get started. Get in what you can before we move on to WMHs...same thing...get yours in.
Mosey for the THANG;
Grab a parking lot line. Mucho chest with a little twist. Instead of the usual five reps, lets do 10. Bear crawl to the end of the line and complete 10 merkins, crawl bear back. Bear crawl to the end 10 werkins and crawl bear back. You get the picture...finish with 10 diamond merkins, 10 staggered right and 10 staggered left. Mosey!
Speed bump to pick up the 6...10 burpees...squats...mosey again to the stadium bleachers, spilt up and fight a spot.
First exercise 40s - utilizing dips and derkins. Do 30 derkins, 10 dips. 25 derkins, 15 dips. 20/20 and so on always adding up to 40.
Next up - jump ups. Followed by BOGO burpees...rinse and repeat. Somewhere in all this mess we got in some Spicoli's to work the calves and some AL Gore's while we waited. LEG DAY! More squats. The thing about squats is you have to do ALOT of them to actually feel it. Today, I think we did that.
Mosey...crab walk down the sidewalk stretch and finish with 10 irkins before we keep moseying over to the playground.
3 exercise circuit - 10 pull-ups, 20 dips and 20 squats. Go! All done? Let's do it again!
It's a Shoota Q so you know how it ends. Captain Thors; 1 big boy setup and 4 American hammers. Keep that ratio all the way through, 2:8, 3:12.....9:36 and were out of time! Don't worry we'll finish in the post party!
Count-o-rama and CofT
Moleskin: What a pleasure it is to be a part of F3 Franklin. I am inspired by the greatness in each of you. There was a time in my life where I lived only for myself. I was comfortable being a loaner and thought life was pretty great. One day I woke up and realized my fitness level had long since disappeared. I found F3 and showed up, not knowing what I was getting into. I was in the back of the pack, struggling to survive each workout and contemplating why anyone would do this to themselves. I forced myself to keep coming back and somewhere along the way my life changed. Maybe it was the day TopSpin asked us to dig a trench to get an elderly woman water. Perhaps it was WARPATH X when Spicoli, battling cancer, and Zoolander helped get me to a finish line 18 miles away that I never imagined I could reach. Maybe it was Gig'em circling back 500+ yards around mile 15 because there was a cutoff to the cars where I could have ended the pain...and Gig'em & Zoolander wouldn't let me take it. You see, the thing is absolutely none of us can do this alone, me included. Each of us play a small part, but that small part is enough to change someone's life. So remember that, remember where you started and where we are going. Remember the feeling when you realized F3 could do more for you than you ever imagined and make sure you pay it forward. If someone you know isn't showing up, reach back out to them and encourage them to come back. If someone is struggling that day in a workout, hang back and encourage, we've all had those days. Be there for your fellow PAX, be there for his family and be prepared to carry him when he needs it the most, even though he doesn't even know he needs it. No man left behind....
- Shoota out!