Date: July 15, 2020
AO: The Jimmy
14 Pax: Waterboy, Shocker, Hoser, Moving On Up (welcome to Franklin), Stirrups, Jorts, Clickbait, House Arrest, Oregan Trail, Licker, Lump, Shoota, Noble Virus, and Dukey (QiC)
Rolling into a beautiful Wednesday morning at "The Jimmy", I spotted a few early risers. Waterboy, OT, Lump, and House Arrest arrived fashionably early in fear that a 45 minute Dukey workout wouldn't be enough. PAX arrived in time for some advised stretching, as we watch a hazy Licker try to install an upside down flag...we exchange pleasantries, fist bumps, etc...time to circle them up for some warm-o-rama...
20 Side Straddle Hops IC, 10 awkward leg swings, 10 less awkward arm swings, and last but certainly not least, 3 Good Mornings (some got less...let the gripping begin), sorry guys - we have too much to do...
The Thang:
Let's mosey...A lethargic PAX made our way to the baseball fields, where we found a small hill for some Alligator Push Ups, a good way to fulfill my earlier push up commitment to the PAX. We moved to the stands for 3 x 15 of Bench Dips, Bulgarian Split Squats (ouch), and Bench Squat Jumps.
Let's mosey...low and behold there's a wall in route to our next stop, might as well do some step ups here.
Moving on...we partner up at the bottom of the hill. One man up (MU) and one man down (MD), we alternate hill sprints (MU) with Knee Jumps (MD); on the down hill we alternate Bear Crawl (MU) with Speed Merkins (MD), we completed 3 sets of this heart beater.
Time to go...we take the long way home around the back of the lower track, the word spread that there were some political expectations at the hill, as we made our way to the play set. The play set provided an opportunity to get some upper body into this workout. The PAX tackled 3 rounds of 15 Incline Diamond Push ups, 15 Walking Planks, and a superset of 10 Pull Ups + Toes To The Bar.
Let's mosey back to the flag for 6 minutes of Mary. 15 Knee Pull Ins + 15 sec of Air Bike, 3 rounds of 6" Abs held for 30 sec, Front Plank Knee to Elbows, and make that 15 Get Ups. We Done!
Circle-of-man....We Gone
It's an absolute pleasure to have an opportunity to be with you guys. I reminded everyone at the beginning of the workout of the F3 Motto, "Leave No Man Behind, But Leave No Man Where You Found Him". I'm a better man today than I was a year ago, and I attribute a great deal of that to the connections I've made at F3 Franklin. Steel sharpens steel, and one friend sharpens another. Thanks to all of you for making me a better.