Date: Nov 4
QiC: Import
PAX: House Arrest, Trash Panda, Wizard, The HackFace, Shoota, Winger, Whoopi, Clickbat, Noble Virus, Beans, Red Tees, Hoser, Gig'em
25 SSH, 25 Imperial Walkers, WMH
Song 1: The Distance (Cake)
Mountain climbers on verses and burpees on the chorus
Stretched out the shoulders with some baby arm circles and back backs
Song 2: Desire (U2)
High knees + burpees on “Desire”
Mosey to hill
10/30, 15/25, 20/20, 25/15, 30/10
Merkins - crawl bear - jump squats - bear crawl
Mosey to gravel parking lot near corner of Boyd and Downs (because I didn’t for-see there not being a footpath directly onto soccer fields)
Suicides w/ speed bumps
1st line for 16 merkins, back to start for 16 jump squats
2nd line for 16 werkins, back to start for 16 jump squats
3rd line for 16 diamond merkins, back to start for 16 jump squats
4th line for 8 staggered left and 8 staggered right merkins, back to start for 16 jump squats
* miscounted number of trees along path, and created confusion among the Pax; fortunately they were gracious, and I was able to avoid Q-jacking before getting things back on track
Mosey back to start, with some bear crawl and LBCs along the way to wait for the 6
Flutter kicks and some Shoota-led American hammers
Moleskin: While our nation faces so much division, let’s commit to lead others towards unity, and stand as beacons of hope.
Prayer Requests: Diagnosis and treatment for Wizard's friend Caroline
Spicoli's travel and treatments in Germany
Praise for Jeana's successful surgery and prayers for recovery