Date: November 22, 2021
AO: Minorcomplex
QiC: House Arrest
PAX: Jorts, Whoopie, Hack Face, Dora, Achilles, Chyna, Clickbait, Red Tees, and DeLorean.
I arrived just as the pre-runners were preparing to depart. Jorts was disappointed I was not joining them today. Nope, I said, some final planning for coupon day. Off the pre-runners go: Jorts, Hack Face, Dora, and Whoopie. I scope out some final preparations and prepare for the Thang.
Warm-O Rama:
SSH x25
IW x25
GM x3
Circle of Blockees:
Round 1: Rotate the F3 Block Brothers doing 4 blockees each. Alternating shoulder taps while you wait your turn. DeLorean expresses his disdain for the cold and circles back to the Tesla for another layer.
Round 2: RR but with 5 blockees each and HR Merkins while you wait. What's happening, is DeLorean going back to the Tesla for another layer? He returns with his nose stuffed with a tissue. Apparently one of the block brothers found his nose. New disclaimer: don't get your nose too close to the blocks. Despite the bleeding nose, DeLorean continues. T-claps to him.
Grab your coupon for some el mucho chesto.
Round 1: 10 merkins, bear crawl to the other side of the parking lot, 25 LBC's, crawl bear back. Grab your coupon for 10 curls, 10 overhead presses, and 10 skull crushers.
Repeat each round with diamond merkins, then wide merkins, then SL merkins, and finally SR merkins.
Over-Head Walking Lunges
10 squats, overhead walking lunge with coupon to the other side of the parking lot, 9 squats. Decrease each side by 1 squat and repeat until you make it down to 1.
5 Minutes of Burpees
1 minute of burpees with overhead press with coupon at the end. Repeat for minutes 2 and 3. Different PAX gave 10-counts between each minute. Whoopie's was bar far the best as he sang the 10-count. Minutes 4-5 were HR burpees with over-head press.
Back to the circle for Mary
4-count flutter kicks x25 with coupon overhead. Hack Face tells me I only have 1 minute left. I guess Garmin doesn't keep time like Apple.
10 BBSU with coupon
10 Gas Pumps with coupon
Hack Face says it's time. Nope, one more set to go......
10 V-Ups
Now we're done. 20 second of quiet meditation to focus on being thankful.
Reminder: F3 Christmas Party on Friday, December 3 from 5:00-8:00pm. Venmo Clickbait, $10.00 per PAX or $15.00 per couple. Bring a toy for a child ages 5-15 for a toy drive.
Despite DeLorean's bloody nose and Hack Face's strict detail to time, we all got better today. I am thankful for each and every one of you.
Happy Thanksgiving PAX
House Arrest