The Rat 7/17/2019
3 PAX - Sanctions, Spider Monkey, & HotNReady(QiC)
Due to the Q’s desire to hit the snooze in the fartsack, commencement of the Thang was delayed by 30 seconds. Sanctions immediately assessed a one minute postparty penalty.
Mosey around school and circle up.
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walkers x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 IC (forward/backward)
Good Mornings x 5 OYO
Stairway to Heaven: line up in parking lot, bear crawl to 2nd parking line, do one burpee, crawl bear back to beginning, bear crawl to 4th line, 2 burpees, crawlbear back. Rinse and repeat til 10th line.
Now that out shoulders were gassed and legs on fire we moseyed around to bottom of hill some sprints.
Politician AYG to top of hill, 10 Merkins, mosey back to bottom of hill.
Repeat AYG, 10 Merkins, mosey with MOT: sprint, karaoke, broad jumps(Sanctions favorit), luigis.
Mosey to playground for 7s (squat jumps/pullups), dips x 30, Merkins x 30, jump lunges. All OYO.
Mosey to parking lot to rinse and repeat AYG sprints x 5, Merkins, mosey.
Finished just in time for count-o-rama , announcements, and COT.
FYI, Sanctions gave his regular announcement that inexperienced ruckers should not participate in Nightpath.
Great work men!!