Date: October 11, 2019
AO: Firepit
Pax: Lump, Waterboy, Yoda, OT, Ballz, The Hackface, Braddock, Sanctions, Birdsong, Scud-Row, Tuna, Script, FNG (Popper), Shocker and Yours Truly (Wilson)
Rolled up to some Mother Ruckers getting some extra credit and got the group together for some holiday week fun. Welcome to F3 Franklin...Disclaimer and away we go. Warm-o-Rama....Some arm circles (screwed that one up), with some back-backs for symmetry...Willy Mayes Hayes...Good mornings (Bartman was properly acknowledged)and some Imperial Walkers (15)
Mosey to the back parking lot and got a (20) burpee buy in before separating into partners.
The Thang
1, 2, 3, 4 - We are working out at a school so lets get some cheesy tie in to learning
(100) Jump lunge's, (200) Merk's, (300) Squats and (400) LBC's. One works while one runs the length of the parking lot and back. Switch and repeat.
Math is hard so we mosey'd to the play ground to have "recess"
2 rounds of (10) pull ups, (10) swerkins and (20) dips
No proper school forgets about their ABC's (Always Bear Crawl)
Bear crawl the length of the parking lot and back while doing (2) Merk's every (10) Bear Crawl steps
(10) burpee buyout from the Thang
Circle rama
(10) Captain Thor's while my voice strained during the Hammers
Holiday week left the calendar wide open and I felt compelled to step in and fill the void. Got cheesy with the associations, but all in all got the PAX moving towards growth. Finished off with reminding these men how much I count on them to push me and how honored I am to lead them.