Date: October 9, 2020
QiC: Lump
AO: Firepit
PAX: Trash Panda, Shoota, Shocker, Delorean, Wilson, Whoopi, Hoser, Import, Braddock, Beans, Noble Virus, Stirups, FNG Winger
SSHs, BACs, Back BACs, Mountain Climbers, Good Mornings & WMHs
Run the Westhaven Path to the front of the school
4 x 4's: 4 exercises groups of 4 adding 4 each round (4/8/12/16/20)
Burpees x 4
Squats x 4
Merks x 4
Imperial Walkers x 4
Run a lap then repeat with adding 4 to the round
Curb Shimmies with ATMs- line up on the curb in a row and hand crawl (aka Shimmy) to the right. Speed bumps of ATMs along the way.
III Bro-Merk Apocalypse:
Partner up and do a Merkin Apocalypse counting down from 10-1
Bear Crawl to partner then 10 Bro Merks -> Crawl Bear back to start
Bear Crawl to partner for 9 Bro Merks-> CB back
repeat down to 1 Bro Merk
Playground Triple Threat
10 Pull-Ups
20 Swirkins
20 Dips
head back to start for Mary
Freddie Mercurys x 20 (for Firetruck)
FNG Winger showed up for his first beat down after joining House Arrest for a Stonehenge run yesterday. He is of the "respect variety" and I am always encouraged to have guys older than me join up! Us old guys need to feel young some times!
Braddock noted that WARPATH is coming up next Saturday the 17th. I encourage all of you that read this, get your ass committed to participate in the Warpath event. No shame in not being able to do it in full if you have never joined us before but I never miss them if I am in town. Torch never disappoints in creating a challenge that is both a great beat down and a great fellowship building event too.
I am thankful for the chance to lead this morning on a few levels. It is is always and honor to lead you men as with Fireturck school schedule I have to pre-vac every workout. Seeing as we are in Fall break in Williamson County, I was able to lead and stay in full . Thanks to my great pal Braddock for swapping Qs with me so I could lead today!
See you guys next week!