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Jackie Robinson - 42 Day


4/15/19 Battleground QIC - Scud Row - 12 PAX- Big Bang, Torch, Poodle, Maytag, Hackface, OT, Waterboy, Gig em, Lump, Bartman, Dodger Dog.

Today being Jackie Robinson Day in MLB to commemorate the breaking of the color barrier in baseball and the mental toughness that was endured with that accomplishment, there were a lot of 4's and 2's and 42's used today. Thank you Jackie for being a exceptional example of leadership and strength.


First off we moseyed on over to the bottom of the deathstar to get some room to circle up.

4+2 good mornings while I explained the theme (yes it is also Tax day...)

21 small arm circle forward

21 big arm circle forward

21 small arm circle backwards

21 big arm circles backwards


Repeating 4 lunges and 2 Mercs down the side of the deathstar.

Partner up, while one partner sprints up the ramp and moseys back down, other partner is doing Bobby Hurleys (Squat to slap the ground, jump up like shooting a basketball). Then switch. Complete 42 Bobby Hurleys together. Then sprint up the ramp as a group once everyone is in. 4 burpees and 2 mercs at the top.

Rinse and repeat until we get to the top!

Somewhere in level 3 or 4, hackface got a weird look for lunging to close to someone's car.

Ran out of time for some other fun stuff I wanted to do at the top but ended with 42 LBC's

Moleskin -

It was a pleasure to lead you all today. I continue to learn from you guys weekly to push myself physically and mentally.

"Maybe tomorrow we'll all wear 42, so nobody can tell us apart.



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