AO: Tree of Pain (field trip from the Jimmy)
QIC: Gig'em
Pax: 19 - hackface, lump, torch, maytag, fng (billie jean), zamboni, shoota, bartman, Cratchit, shocker, waterboy, skud row, dodgerdog, sanctions, macaroni, kwame, Gig'em, Zoolander, Dickfoot?
No Warmarama - You were warned.
Apparently Shoota blew up twittersphere last night. Dudes coming to the Jimmy from coast to coast. Good stuff. Ready for a field trip...giddyup.
6 minute jog, 80 yard bear crawl. Arrive at Tree of Pain.
Divide into three groups.
Group 1: grab coupon - jog around perimeter of for six minutes. (Q2 PT test prep)
Group 2: grab coupon - triple crush and squat thrusters with push press for six minutes.
Group 3: do any of the six pull-up options from the Tree of Pain for six minutes.
Rotate until everyone as done all three stations.
*We can't unsee what took place at the T.O.P. this morning. I am sure I will be receiving some calls from the neighborhood watch about the skeevy pervs in my backyard. I will be spacing out the pull-up stations immediately.
Bear crawl w/coupons + coupon swings (kettle bell style). Indian run back to the Jimmy.
Finisher: Burpee Broad jump races x 2....out.
Great work men. *One thing I forgot to tell you guys....received a note from Chris Barnhill, Executive Director of Franktown, this week. He had seen some video footage of the leadership lab, the handbook, and talked to the boys as well. He thanked the men of F3 for getting in the game and shared that "the Franktown boys would remember this experience for the rest of their lives." Thank you again to all of who helped make the experience possible.
Prayers for Spicoli, CJ and Ryder.
It's a new month. New opportunities to stretch and to serve our families, our community and each other. New dudes...keep bringing the juice. OG's stay hungry. There's no growth in the comfort zone.